Crownlight charges a flat standard shipping rate on all its orders, which is a great deal as we do fast delivery for orders shipped to the U.S. Most orders take up to 2 days to process. Most items ship within two business days, and the delivery time can be expected within 3 - 10 business days. For orders outside of the U.S., the customer will be charged a standard shipping fee, and you can expect a longer time to receive your shipment. The expected arrival is specified on the product page, but if your order is international and you are not sure when to expect your delivery, please contact Crownlight customer service. Almost all our products are shipped from U.S. or Canada and, in some cases, from Europe. For every product, shipping details are provided to the customer before check-out.
We know how important it is for you to know that your order has been received by us and know exactly when it is shipped to you. As soon as an order is placed, you will receive a notification e-mail; please ensure that the e-mail provided to us is accurate. Then, you can expect the specified processing time on the product page. As soon as the order is processed, you will receive a notification that your product is on its way and is shipped to the provided mailing address. In most cases, we provide you with a tracking number. And this way, you can keep track of the expected delivery.
We have partnered with Amazon for U.S. Residents to have better shipping options. In those cases, your shipping cost will be handled by Amazon, and you can benefit from using PRIME membership. It is currently available for limited products. If no shipping details are specified, particularly for furniture and heavy items, assume the expected time is 3 - 4 weeks.